Published Materials
December 2024
Books and Monographs
- Akili, S. M. (2015). Net-Generation Student Motivation to Attend Community College. Lanham, MD.: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Amernic, J., R. Craig, & D. Tourish (2010). Measuring and Assessing Tone at the Top Using Annual Report CEO Letters. Edinburgh: Institute of Chartered Accountants.
- Browning, R. X. (2018). The year in C-SPAN archives research: 4. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
- Chakrabarti, A. S., Kaizoji, T. & Pichl, L. (2019). Network theory and agent-based modeling in economics and finance. Singapore: Springer Publishers.
- Dorsman, A., Arslan-Ayaydin, Ö., & Karan M. B. (2016). Energy and finance: Sustainability in the energy industry. Switzerland: Springer.
- Driskill, G. W. C. (2019). Organizational culture in action: A cultural analysis workbook (third edition). New York: Routledge.
- Feste, K. (2011). America Responds to Terrorism: Conflict Resolution Strategies of Clinton, Bush, and Obama. New York:
- Gualandri, E., Sclip, A., & Venturelli V. (2019). Frontier topics in banking: InvestigatingnNew trends and recent developments in the financial industry. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave/MacMillan.
- Hamilton, J. T. (2003). All the News That’s Fit to Sell: How the Market Transforms Information into News. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Hart, R. P. (1984). Verbal style and the Presidency: A Computer-Based Analysis. New York: Academic Press.
- Hart, R. P. (2000). Campaign Talk: Why Elections Are Good for Us. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Hart, R. P., Childers, J.P., & Lind, C.J. (2013). Political Tone: How Leaders Talk and Why. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Hart, R. P. (ed.) (2014). Communication and Language Analysis in the Corporate World. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers.
- Hart, R. P. (ed.) (2014). Communication and Language Analysis in the Public Sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers.
- Hart, R. P. (2018). Civic hope: How ordinary Americans keep democracy alive. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Hart, R. P. (2020). Trump and us: What he says and why people listen. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Heith, D. J. (2013). The Presidential Road Show: Public Leadership in an Era of Party Polarization and Media Fragmentation. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.
- Krebs, R. R. (2015). Narrative and the making of U.S. National Security. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Lim, E. T. (2008). The Anti-intellectual Presidency: The Decline of Presidential Rhetoric from George Washington to George W. Bush. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Linsley, P. (2011). UK Bank Risk Disclosures in the Period Through to the Onset of the Global Financial Crisis. London: Chartered Accounts Trustees.
- Mackedon, M. (2014). Bombast: Spinning Atoms in the Desert. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
- Patterson, T. (2002). The Vanishing Voter: Public Involvement in an Age of Uncertainty. New York: Knopf.
- Rathbun, B. (2019) Reasoning of state: Realists, romantics and rationality in international relations. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Sheehy, N., Wylie, J., & McKeown, G. (2002). Quantifying risk amplification processes: A multi-level approach. Belfast, Northern Ireland: Questor Centre.
- Stacks, D. W. (2017). Primer of public relations (third edition). New York: The Guilford Press.
- Stenner, K. (2005). The Authoritarian Dynamic. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.
- Stroud, N. J. & McGregor, S. (2019) Digital discussions: How big data informs political communication. New York: Routledge.
Book Chapters
- Abdelrehim, N. (2014). Managerial disclosures and corporate control. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 163-178.
- Abelman, R. (2014). Counteing bad press about higher education with institutional vision. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 308-334.
- Allison, T. H., McKenney, A. F., & Short, J. C. (2013). A computer-aided content analysis of micro lending to entrepreneurs. In A. Bryman & E. Bell (eds.), Business Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 297-317.
- Allison, T. H., McKenny, A. F., & Short, J. C. (2014). Entrepreneurial rhetoric and business plan funding. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 21-35.
- Arslan-Ayaydin, Ö. & Finger, M. (2016). When corporate social responsibility causes tone inflation in earnings press releases: Evidence from the oil and gas industry. In A. Dorsman, Ö. Arslan-Ayaydin, and M. B. Karan (eds.), Energy and Finance: Sustainability in the Energy Industry. New York: Springer, 83-106.
- Beasley, V. B. (2014). Understanding institutions’ rhetorical agency. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 477-490.
- Broberg, J. C. (2014). The impact of CEO charismatic rhetoric on firm performance. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 49-68.
- Carroll, C. E. & Deephouse, D. L. (2014). The foundations of a theory explaining organizational news: The VT4 framework of organizational news content and five levels of influence on its production. In J. Pallas, L. Strannegård, and S. Jonsson (eds.), Organizations and the Media: Organizing in a Mediatized World. New York: Routledge, 81-95.
- Carroll, C. E., & Einwiller, S. A. (2014). Disclosure alignment and transparency signaling in CSR reports. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 249-270.
- Carroll, C. E. & Einwiller, A. A. (2015). Discourse alignment and transparency signaling in CSR reports. In Human rights and ethics: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications. Hershey, Pa.: IGI Publishers, 757-777.
- Carsten, M. K., Bligh M. C., Kohles J. C., & Wing-Yan Lau, V. (2019). A follower centric approach to the 2016 U.S. presidential election: candidate rhetoric and follower attributions of charism and effectiveness. Leadership, 15 (2), 179-204.
- Childers, J. P., & Wonnacott, M. (2014). Imagining U.S. democratic values in commencement addresses. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 81-97.
- Cho, C. H., Patten, D. M., & Roberts, R. W. (2014). Environmental disclosures and impression management. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 217-231.
- Collier, K. (2014). Content analysis as rhetorical EEG of the presidency. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 182-201.
- Contreras, A., Dey, A., & Hill, C. (2020). “Tone at the top” and the communication of corporate values: Lost in translation? Seattle University Law Review, 43:2, 497-523.
- Craig, R., & Amernic, J. (2014). Exploring signs of hubris in CEO language. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 69-88.
- Crew, R. E., & Lewis, C. J. (2014). Gubernatorial rhetoric and public responsiveness. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 171-180.
- De Moya, M., & Jain, R. (2014). Communicating nation brands through mass and social media. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 409-425.
- Demers, E., & Yu, J. (2014). Linguistic certainty in managerial announcements. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 109-121.
- Diels, J., & Gorton, W. (2014).Scientific abstraction in presidential debates. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 1-16.
- Du Toit, E. & Esterhuyse, L. 2021. Narrative Styles and Institutional Isomorphism in South African CEOs’ Shareholder Letters. The African Journal of Information and Communication. (27):1–17. DOI: 10.23962/10539/31369.
- Du, Y. R. (2014). Presidential rhetoric and news rhetoric. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 262-274.
- Eshraghi, A. (2014). Fund manager overconfidence and investment narratives. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 1-20.
- Farina, V., Galloppo, G., & Previati, D.A. (2018). Central banks’ communication strategies: Just words? In M. Garcis-Olalla & J. Clifton (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Banking. New York, Palgrave, 91-121.
- Farina, V., Galloppo, G., & Previati, D.A. (2019). Central banks’ commitment to stakeholders: CSR in the eurosystem: 2006–2016, In E. Gualandri, V. Venturelli, & A. Sclip (eds.), Frontier Topics in Banking (London: Palgrave Macmillan), 189-221.
- Feldman, R., Govindaraj, S., Liu, S., & Livnat, J. (2014). Optimal portfolio construction using qualitative and quantitative signals. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 140-161.
- Feste, K. A. (2014). How President Obama promoted conflict reconciliation and diplomacy. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 202-222.
- Goel, S. (2014). Fraud detection and corporate filings. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 315-332.
- Golubovskaja, L. (2014). The content of IMF staff reports for euro area countries. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 272-292.
- Groom, S.A. (2008). Engaging the Rhetorical Consciousness of an Organization for Dynamic Communicative Exchange. In M. A. Cook & A. Holba (eds.), Philosophies of Communication: Implications for Everyday Experience. New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
- Grose, C. R., & Husser, J. (2014). Is candidate rhetorical tone associated with presidential vote choice? In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 153-170.
- Guo, W. (2014). Executives’ use of emotional language and investor reactions. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 198-215.
- Hájek, P. & Olej, V. (2015). Word categorization of corporate annual reports for bankruptcy prediction by machine learning methods. In Pavel Král, P. and Matoušek, V. (Eds.), Text, Speech, and Dialogue: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. London: Springer International Publishers., pp. 122-130.
- Harris, S. G. & E. B. Gresch. (2010). The emotions of change: merger sentiments, pleasure, and emotional expression. In N. M. Ashkanasy, W. J. Zerbe & C. E. J. Härtel (ed.), Emotions and Organizational Dynamism. Boston: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.189-220.
- Hart, R. (2013). Genre and Automated Text Analysis: A Demonstration, In J, Ridolfo & W. Hart-Davidson (Eds.), Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, (in press).
- Hart, R. P. & K. Sawyer. (2003). Resurrecting the Clinton Presidency: A Linguistic Profile. In R. Denton & R. Holloway (Eds.), Images, Scandal, and Communication Strategies of the Clinton Presidency (pp. 195-218). Westport, CT: Praeger.
- Hart, R. P. (1985). Systematic Analysis of Political Discourse: The Development of DICTION. In K. Sanders & D. Nimmo (Eds.), Political Communication Yearbook: 1984 (pp. 97-134). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois Press.
- Hart, R. P. (1986). Of Genre, Computers, and the Reagan Inaugural. In H. Simons & A. Aghazarian (Eds.), Form, Genre, and the Study of Political Discourse (pp. 278-298). Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.
- Hart, R. P. (2000). The Unheralded Functions of Campaign News. In S. Chambers & A. Costain (Eds.), Deliberation, Democracy and the Media (pp. 85-105). Boulder, CO: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Hart, R. P. (2001). Redeveloping DICTION: Theoretical Considerations. In M. West (Ed.), Theory, Method and Practice of Computer Content Analysis. New York: Ablex.
- Hart, R. P., & Scacco, J. M. (2014). Rhetorical negotiation and the presidential press conference. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 59-80.
- Hart, R. P. (2017). The press and the presidency in contrast: A language analysis. In S. Martin (ed.), From columns to characters: The presidency and the press in the digital age. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 57-85.
- Heith, D. J. (2014). Evaluating presidential leadership styles in campaigning and governing. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 138-151.
- Henry, E., & Leone, A. J. (2014). Measuring the tone of accounting and financial narrative. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 36-47.
- Holbert, R. L. (2014). DICTION as a tool for studying the mass media. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 462-476.
- Jarvis, S. E., & Stephens, M. (2014). Gate-keeping and news-seeking in print and online outlets. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 224-243.
- Kabanoff, B., & Hamdan, M. (2014). From words to integers and beyond in corporate life. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 334-351.
- Kahveci, E. (2016). The tone of annual reports as a strategic performance management tool: Application on Turkey’s Borsa Istanbul Corporate Governance Index Firms. Journal of Economics, Finance, and Accounting, 3:3, 209-221.
- Karpowitz, C. F. (2014). DICTION and the study of American politics. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 444-461.
- Lellis, J. C. (2014). Organizational identity in nonprofit communication about disability. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 358-390.
- Lind, C. J. (2014). Democratic deference in a republican primary. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 99-119.
- Linsley, P., Slack, R., & Edkins, A. (2014). Image restoration and the management of reputation. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 89-107.
- Lowry, D. T. (2014). Analyzing verbal narratives in TV news and commercials. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 244-261.
- Maerz, S. F. & Puschmann, C. (2019) Text as data for conflict research: A literature survey, In Deutschmann E., Lorenz J., Nardin L., Natalini D., Wilhelm A. (eds), Computational Conflict Research. Springer, Cham, 43-65.
- Mendelberg, T. & Karpowitz, C. (2017). How people deliberate about justice: Groups, gender, and decision rules. In S. Rosenberg (ed.), Deliberation, Participation and Democracy: Can the People Govern? (New York: Springer) 101-129.
- Merola, L. M. (2014). Post-9/11 policy discussions of human rights and freedoms. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 290-306.
- Mobus, J. L. (2014). Negotiating corporate social responsibility reporting. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 232-248.
- Murphy, A. C. (2015). On ‘true’ portraits of letters to shareholders – and the importance of phraseological analysis. In S. Hoffman, B. Fischer-Starcke, and A. Sand (eds.), Current Issues in Phraseology.Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 57-82.
- Myskova, R. & Hajek, P. (2017). Comprehensive assessment of firm financial performance using financial ratios and linguistic analysis of annual reports. Journal of International Studies, 10 (4), 96-108.
- Nelson, S. A., Wang, L., Smith, R. M., & Blackford, B. (2014). Corporate persona and optimistic language in annual reports. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 179-197.
- Neuendorf, K. (2017). Measurement and validity. In K. Neuendorf, The content analysis guidebook (pp. 121-164). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
- Pacea, O. (2014). Digital narratives and the genealogy of a hybrid genre. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 392-408.
- Pacea, O. (2010). “It ain’t all that different than real life”: Recycling the cowboy myth in the postmodern electronic discourse and the expat blogs,” In S. Toplu & Zapf, H. (Eds.) Redefining modernism and postmodernism. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp 258-277.
- Painter, D.L., & Rizzo, K. (2017). The verbal tone of the 2016 U.S. presidential primaries: Candidate Twitter, debate, and campaign speech rhetoric. In J.A. Hendricks, & D. Schill (Eds.), The Presidency and Social Media: Discourse, Disruption, and Digital Democracy in the 2016 Presidential Election. New York: Routledge, 143-157.
- Pelled, A., Lukito, J., Boehm, F., Yang, J. & Shah, D. (2018). “’Little Marco,’ ‘Lyin’ Ted,’ ‘Crooked Hillary,’ and the ‘biased’ media: How Trump used Twitter to attack and organize, In N. J. Stroud & S. McGregor (eds.), Digital Discussions (New York: Routledge).
- Pollock, T.G. & Lashley, K. (2014). Who need a shrink when you have Businessweek: Using content analysis to get inside the heads of entrepreneurs, VCs, and other market participants. In T. Baker & F, Welter (eds.), Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship. New York: Routledge, 423-438.
- Ragas, M. W. (2014). Intermedia agenda setting in business news coverage. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 335-357.
- Rodríguez, J. S. (2014). Language policy argumentation and rhetoric, pre- and post- 9/11. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 36-57.
- Saburova, M. & Maysuradze, A. (2015). A low effort approach to quantitative content analysis. In Klinov, P. and Mouromtsev, D. (Eds.), Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web. London: Springer International Publishers., pp. 168-181.
- Scheckels, T. (2012). The Rhetoric of President Nelson Mandela of South Africa: A Qualified Success. In T. Scheckels, Political Communication in the Anglophone World: Case Studies (Plymouth, UK: Lexington Books), 73-90.
- Schultz, F., Cornelissen, J., & Suddaby, L.(2013). The role of business media in constructing rational myth of organization. In J. Pallas & L. Strannegard (eds.), Organizations and the Media. Organizing in a Mediatized World. New York: Routledge.
- Seyranian, V. (2013). Social identity framing: A strategy of social influence for social change. In Riggio, R. E. & . Tan, S. J. (eds). Leader interpersonal and influence skills: The soft skills of leadership. New York: Routledge, pp. 207-252.
- Shanahan, J. (2000). Messages in Global Climate Change: Using the Diction Program to Analyze News Coverage. In D. N. Bengston (Ed.), Applications of Computer -Aided Text Analysis in Natural Resources . (Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-211. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture.)
- Siklos, P. L. (2014). The global financial crisis and central bank speak. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 293-314.
- Soroka, S. (2014). Reliability and validity in automated content analysis. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 352-363.
- Stewart, C. O., & Rhodes, C. (2014). Global warming as a socioscientific controversy. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 276-289.
- Tonidandel, S. & Albritton, B.H. (2023). Transforming leadership assessment using natural language processing. In T. Kantrowitz, D.H. Reynolds, & J. Scot (eds.), Talent Assessment: Embracing Innovation and Mitigating Risk in the Digital Age. New York: Oxford University Press, 149-168.
- Trimble, T. E. (2014). Party rhetoric in federal budget communications. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 17-35.
- Tudor, C. L., & Vega, C. (2014). A review of textual analysis in economics and finance. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 122-139.
- Tullar, W. L. (2004). Mining meaning: Extracting Value from Virtual Discussions. In H. R. Nemati & C. D. Barko (eds.). Organizational Data Mmining: Leveraging Enterprise Data Resources for Optimal Performance. London: Idea Group Publishing, pp. 125-139.
- Upreti, B.R., Back, P. M., Malo, P., Ahlgren, O., & Sinha, A. (2019), Knowledge-driven approaches for financial news analytics, In A. Chakrabarti, L. Pichl, & T. Kaizoji (eds.), Network Theory and Agent-Based Modeling in Economics and Finance. Singapore: Springer, 375-404.
- Vercoe, M., Gonzalez, R., & Schroedel, J. (2014). Hillary Clinton: A Case Study in the Rhetoric of Female Political Figures. In S. Thomas and C. Wilcox, eds. Women and Elected Office: Past, Present and Future, 3rd edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Vinu Chavda, V. & Chavda, M. (2024). The rhetoric of Ambedkar in selected works, in M. Chavda (ed.), (Im)possible Worlds to Conquer: A critical reading of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s waiting for visa. (New York: Springer), 77-100
- Waisanen, D. (2014). Standing–up to the politics of comedy. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 426-442.
- Willis, S. R., Sweida, G. L., Glassburn, S., Sherman, C. L., & Bligh, M. C. (2014). Charismatic and affective rhetoric in a presidential campaign. In R. P. Hart (ed.), Communication and language analysis in the public sphere. Hershey, Pa.: IGI-Global Publishers, 120-137.
Research Articles
- Aaker, J. L. (1997). Dimensions of brand personality. Journal of Marketing Research. 34(3), 347-356.
- Aaron F. McKenny, A. F., Short, J. C., & Payne, T. (2012). Using computer-aided text analysis to elevate constructs: An illustration using psychological capital. Organizational Research Methods. 0(0) 1-33.
- Abdelrehim, N., Maltby, J., & Toms, S. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Control: The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 1933–1951. Enterprise and Society, 12(4): 824-862.
- Abelman, R. (2014). Reviewing and revising the institutional vision of U.S. higher education. Review of Communication Research, 2(1), 30-67.
- Abelman, R. (2011). The Institutional Vision of Tribal Community Colleges Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 35(7): 513-538.
- Abelman, R. & Dalessandro, A. (2008). The Institutional Vision of Community Colleges: Assessing Style as Well as Substance. Community College Review, 35(4): 306-335.
- Abelman, R. & Dalessandro, A. (2009). The Institutional Vision of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Journal of Black Studies, 40(2): 105-134.
- Abelman, R. & Dalessandro, A. (2009). Institutional Vision in Christian Higher Education: A Comparison of ACCU, ELCA, and CCCU Institutions. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 18(1): 84-119.
- Abelman, R., A. Dalessandro, P. Janstova, S. Snyder-Suhy & G. Pettey. (2007). Charting the Verbiage of Institutional Vision: The Goodness of Fit between Vision Statements and Academic Advising. NACADA Journal, 27(1): 22-38.
- Aguinis, H. & A. Glavas. (2012). What we know and don’t know about corpoliate social responsibility: A review and research agenda. Journal of Management, 38: 932-968.
- Albalwi, W., McGovern, T., & Salama, A. (2020). Corporate social responsibility and impression management: ARAMCO, 1932-74. Academy of Management Proceedings
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- Alexander, M., S. Ober, J. J. Zhao, & R. Davis. (1999). Telling It Like It Is: The Use of Certainty in Public Business Discourse. Journal of Business Communication, 36(3): 280-296.
- Alli, R., Nicolaides, R., & Craig, C. (2018).Detecting advance fee fraud emails using self-referential pronouns: A preliminary analysis. Accounting Forum. 42(1), 78-85.
- Allison, T. H., Davis, B. C., Short, J. C., & Webb, J. W. (2015). Crowdfunding in a prosocial microlending environment: examining the role of intrinsic versus extrinsic cues. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice.
- Allison, J. R. & S. D. Hunter (2006). The Feasibility of Improving Patent Quality One Technology at a Time: The Case of Business Methods. Berkeley Technical Law Journal,, 21(2): 729-794.
- Allison, T.H., McKenny, A.F., & Short, J.C. (2013). The effect of entrepreneurial rhetoric on microlending investment: An examination of the warm-glow effect. Journal of Business Venturing, 28(3).
- Allison, T. H., Davis, B.C., Short, J.C., & Webb, J. W.. (2014). Crowdfunding in a prosocial microlending environment: Examining the role of intrinsic versus extrinsic cues. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. doi: 10.1111/etap.12108
- Arena, C., Bozzolan, S., & Michelon, G. (2014). Environmental reporting: Transparency to stakeholders or stakeholder manipulation?: An analysis of disclosure tone and the role of the board of directors. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.
- Arslan-Ayaydin, Ö., Boudt, K. & Thewissen, J. (2015). Managers Set the Tone: Equity Incentives and the Tone of Earnings Press Releases. Journal of Banking and Finance, Forthcoming.
- Aswad, N. G. (2018). Exploring charismatic leadership: A comparative analysis of the rhetoric of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, Presidential Studies Quarterly, 48:3.
- Ataullah, A., Vivian, A., & Xu, B. (2017). Time-varying Managerial Overconfidence and Corporate Debt Maturity Structure. European Journal of Finance.
- Aust, P. (2004). Communicated Values as Indicators of Organizational Identity: A Method for Organizational Assessment and Its Application in a Case Study. Communication Studies, 55(4): 515-534.
- Ballotti, J., & L. L. Kaid. (2000). Examining Verbal Style in Presidential Campaign Spots. Communication Studies, 51(3): 258-273.
- Baker, L.M. & Irani, T. (2014). The impact of new media on policy affecting agriculture. Journal of Applied Communications. 98(3), 1-15.
- Barkemeyera, R., Comynsc, B., Figgec, F., & Napolitanod, G. (2014). CEO statements in sustainability reports: Substantive information or background noise? Accounting Forum, 38(3)
- Barkemeyer, R., Dessai, S., Monge-Sanz, B., Renzi, B.G., & Napolitano, G. (2016). Linguistic analysis of IPCC summaries for policymakers and associated coverage. Nature Climate Change. 6: 311–316.
- Bashor, H. (2004a). Content Analysis of Short, Structured Texts: The Need for Multifaceted Strategies. Journal of Diplomatic Language, 1(4): 1-13.
- Berrone, P., Cruz, C., & Gomez-Mejia, L.R. (2012), Socioemotional Wealth in Family Firms: Theoretical Dimensions, Assessment Approaches, and Agenda for Future Research, Family Business Review, 25(3): 258-279.
- Bilgili, H., Campbell, J. T., & Ellstrand, A. E.. (2017).Riding off into the sunset: Organizational sensegiving, shareholder sensemaking, and reactions to CEO retirement. Journal of Management Studies, 54(7):1019-1049.
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Articles In Press/Online
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Conference Papers
- Abdelrehim, N., J. Maltby & S. Toms. (2009). Oil Nationalisation and Managerial Response: The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 1951. Paper presented at the Symposium on Corporate Social Responsibility, University of York.
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- AlAlwani, Z.A. & Alhadi, M.E. (2021). Islamic banks disclosure tone prior and during COVID-19. International Conference on Sustainable Islamic Business and Finance, Sakheer, Bahrain.
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- Amernic, J. & Craig, R. (2014). Looking for hubris but finding realism in company annual report CEO letters to shareholders: an analysis using DICTION software. Keynote address presented at the International Conference on Discourse Approaches to Financial Communication, Ascona, Switzerland.
- Andreini, R. & D. J. Salazar. (2008). Emotions and Movement Framing: A Content Analysis from the Black Power and ACT UP Movements. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Pacific Northwest Political Science Association, Portland, Oregon.
- Aranzaes, H. (2016). Can video games make you sexist? Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Atakan-duman, S. & Ozdora, E. (2015). How do Turkish banks construct their identities: A thematic analysis. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Ataullah, A., Vivian, A., & Xu, B. (2013). Actions speak louder than words: Optimistic disclosure tone, insider trading and capital structure. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the European Financial Management Association, Reading, UK.
- Babik, D. & Iyer, L.S. (2011). Enhancing sustainability image: Content analysis of letters to shareholders of IT companies. Paper presented at the Thirty-Second International Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai, China.
- Balasubramanian, S. & Yang, Y. (2015). Impact of entrepreneurial orientation on university performance. Paper presented at the 35th Babson College Entrepreneurship Conference, Boston, MA.
- Beattie, V. (2013). Quality of Accounting Narrative Disclosures: UK Research, Progress and Prospects. Paper presented at the 7th Annual LSE/LUMS/MBS Conference, London, England.
- Berndt, T., Bilolo, C., & Müller, L. (2014). Advancing value-relevance studies of non-financial information: A contemporary approach. A paper presented at the Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) Conference. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
- Bligh, M. & G.D. Hess. (2010). Deconstructing Alan: A Quantitative Assessment of the Qualitative Aspects of Chairman Greenspan’s Communications. Paper presented at the CESInfo Venice Summer Institute.
- Born, B., Ehrmann, M., & Fratzscher, M. (2012). Contemporary Challenges to Monetary Policy. Paper presented at the Central Bank Communication on Financial Stability. Manila, The Philippines.
- Born, B., Ehrmann, M. & Fratzcher, M. (2012). Central bank communication on financial stability. Paper presented at the Conference on Contemporary Challenges to Monetary Policy, Manilla, Philippines.
- Boudt, K. & Thewissen, J. (2016). Jockeying for Position in CEO Letters: Impression Management and Sentiment Analytics. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, St. Johns, Newhoundland.
- Butler, J. B. & Cavari, A. (2014). Assessing presidential rhetoric about Israel. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
- Carroll, C. E. (2009). The Relationship between Firms’ Media Favorability and Public Esteem. Paper presented at 13th International Conference on Corporate Reputation. Beijing, China.
- Cavari, A. & Butler, J. R. (2014). Assessing presidential support for Israel. A paper presented at the annual convention of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D. C.
- Chabrak, N., Craig, R., & Daidj, N. (2011). The France télécom suicides: Management control, tone at the top, and the sociology of the workplace. A paper presented at the Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Clearwater, FL.
- Collier, K. (2014). Rhetoric and representation: Exploring the institutionalization of presidential speechwriting. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Collier, K. (2004). Rhetosclerosis: The impact of Institutionalization on presidential rhetoric. Prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association Meeting. Chicago, Illinois.
- Collier, K. (2004). Ghosts in the Machine: Rhetoric and Representation in the White House. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Midwest Political Science Association.
- Collier, K. (2006). Battle Lines: Reconsidering Power Within the White House by Tracking Prose. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Political Science Association. Philadelphia, PA.
- Collier, K. (2012). Using shifting speech drafts to detect institutional differences within the White House. Prepared for presentation at the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Crew, R. E. & C. Lewis. (2006). Verbal Style, Gubernatorial Strategies and Legislative Success. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Daly, N., A. Khurshid, & C. Kearney. (2009). Correlating Market Movements With Sentiments: A Longitudinal Study. Text Mining Services: 2009. Leipzig, Germany: Leipzeiger Beitrage zur Informatik.
- Davis, A. & I. Tama-Sweet. (2008). Managers’ use of pessimistic tone across alternative disclosure outlets: Earnings press releases versus MD&A. Paper presented at the Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting, University of Texas at Austin., Austin, TX.
- Davis, A., J. Piger, & L. Sedor. (2006). Beyond the Numbers: An Analysis of Optimistic and Pessimistic Language in Earnings Press Releases. Working Paper 2006-005A, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
- De Moya, M. & R. Jain. (2009). Framing Partners: A Computer-Assisted Evaluation of how Top U.S. Newspapers Frame Business, Trade and Investment in, and with, two Key Latin American Partners. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, MA.
- Dickerson, D., C. Dickerson, C. Stewart , D. Cutshaw, & J. Lambert. (2008). Rhetorical Analysis of Global Warming and Other Socio-scientific Issues in Popular News Media. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, MD.
- Durnev, A., Fauver, L., and Gupta, N. (2013). When talk isn’t cheap: The corporate value of political rhetoric. Paper presented at the CAF Summer Conference, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India.
- Edgerly, S., E.K. Vraga, T. K. Fung, T.J. Moon, A. S. Veenstra, & W. H. Yoo. (2010). The Elusive Style of Sarah Palin and What it Means. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. Seattle, Washington.
- Edwards, H.R. & Samuel, L. (2014). Influencing Policymaking: A Rhetorical Analysis of Congressional Child Welfare Testimonies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research., San Antonio, Texas.
- Georgakalou, M.E., Kitsios, F.C., & Kamariotou, M. (2017). Measuring leaders’ strategic thinking. Paper presented at the 6th International Symposium and 28th National Conference on Operation Research in the Digital Era, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Giannini, R. C., Irvine, P. J., & Shu, T. (2013). The convergence and divergence of investors’ opinions around earnings news: Evidence from a social network. Paper presented at the Asian Finance Association Conference, Nanchang, China.
- Gorshunov, M.A., Armenakis, A.A., & Field, H.S. (2016). Toward detection of deception in fraudulent annual reports. Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Haeg, C. (2007). The Cross of Gold in the Modern Age: Neo-Populist Party Leaders and Charismatic Rhetoric. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association.
- Hall, J. & Bezanson, M.R. (2015). Speeches that changed the world: Using software to help students analyze rhetorical patterns. Paper presented at the Minnesota eLearning Summit, Minneapolis, MN.
- Hall, J. A. & Pennington, N. (2012). Self-monitoring, honesty, and cue use on Facebook: The relationship with user extraversion and conscientiousness. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association.
- Heith, D.J. (2011). Changing the Presidential Voice: A New Path to Leadership in a Partisan Era. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. Seattle, Washington.
- Henry, E. & A. J. Leone. (2010). Measuring Qualitative Information in Capital Markets Research. Symposium presented at Accounting Workshop Series, Stanford University, November 17.
- Huffaker, D., R. Swaab, & D. Diermeier. (2007). The Language of Coalition Formation in Online Multiparty Negotiations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.
- Husser, J, & C. Grose. (2008). The Valence Advantage of Presidential Persuasion: How Presidential Candidates Use Oratorical Skills to Persuade Voters to Vote Contrary to Ideological Preferences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association.
- Jain, R., DeMoya, M., & Kochar, S. (2014). The CEO’s voice as the face of an organization: Exploring CEO communication through blogs. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association. Seattle, WA.
- James, N. & Gudmundsson, A. (2012) The Language of Optimism: How Entrepreneurs Sell the Sizzle in Business Plan Offer Documents. Paper presented at the International Council for Small Business World Congress, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Jarvis, S. & Stephens, M. (2014). Gate-keeping vs. news-seeking: The partisan nature of front page vs. online news. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D. C.
- Kahveci, C. & Odabaş, A. (2016). Central banks’ communication strategy and content analysis of monetary policy statements: The case of Fed, ECB and CBRT. 12th International Strategic Management Conference, Antalya, Turkey.
- Kaufman, D. (2008). Changing Media, Changing Politics: Political Strategy Adaptations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois.
- Kim, J. & Dindia, K. (2008). Gender, culture, and self-disclosure in cyberspace: A study of Korean and American social network websites. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.
- Knopf, C. M. (2004). Looking to Heaven for answers: A computer-based rhetorical critique of Christian sermons following the Oklahoma City bombing & the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Paper presented at the annual meeting off the Eastern Communication Association. Boston, MA.
- Kochanowicz, M. (2019). CEO hubris and market reaction. Paper presented at the annual Plymouth University Doctoral Colloquium.
- Krause James, N. & Gudmundsson, A. (2012). The language of optimism: How entrepreneurs sell the sizzle in business plan offer documents. Proceedings of the 57th International Council for Small Business World Conference, New Zealand.
- Kovalyova, N. (2006). Exploring Application of Computerized Content Analysis in Social Sciences: Diction 5.0 & Beyond. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association. San Antonio, TX.
- Krause, A. E., Anglada-Tort, M., & North, A. C. (2017). Gender and pop music lyrics. Paper presented at the 25th Anniversary Edition of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM 2017). Ghent, Belgium.
- Kubascikova, Z., Juhazzova, Z., Tumpach, M., Amanova, G., & Bujak, (2021). Annual reports of non-financial textual analysis. International Scientific Conference of Global Rules and Local Use: Beyond the Numbers, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Linden, M., N. Sheehy, & J. Wylie. (2000). The Effects of Linguistic Characteristics on Reading Behaviour. Paper presented at the First Irish Workshop on Eye-Tracking, Queen’s University Belfast.
- Liu, Y. (2008). Damned out of their own mouths: CEO overconfidence in M&A decision-making and its impact on firm performance. Paper presented at the Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting, New York, N.Y.
- Lowry, D.T., Eng, B., Katende, B.K., & Subramanian, R. (2012). Opinion polling, relative news bias and the modern presidency: Analyzing story tone in the network TV coverage of Bush vs Obama. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, Illinois.
- Lowry, D., Hossain, M.D., Hong, J., & Kang, S. C. (2013). Frequent contributors in U.S. newspaper comment forums: An examination of their civility and Informational value. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, London, England.
- Lowry, D., Hossain, M.D., Hong, J, & Kang, S.C. (2013). Network TV Microframing of Bush vs. Obama: A Longitudinal Lexical Analysis of Relative News Bias. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, London, England.
- Lowry, D. T. (2009). Presidential TV Commercials: Isolating the Key Lexical Characteristics of Winners and Losers: 1952-2004. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, MA.
- Lowry, D., Eng, B., Katende, B, & Subramanian, R. (2012). Analyzing story tone in the network TV news coverage of Bush vs. Obama. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL.
- Lowry, D. T. & M. Abu Naser (2010). Lexical Characteristics of Winning versus Losing Campaign Commercials: An Exploratory Analysis of Campaign ’08. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Academy of Advertising, Minneapolis, MN.
- Lowry, D.T., L. Xie, & O. Witte. (2008). Agenda-setting and Rhetorical Framing by Semantic Proximity: A New Computerized Approach to the Analysis of Network TV News. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Chicago, Illinois.
- Lowry, D. T., Xie, L., & Huang, Y. (2015). Reporter questioning of Democratic vs. Republican presidents: Measuring lexical tone in a half-century of presidential news conferences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Madison, Wisconsin.
- Madrid, R. & Kraybill, J. E. (2015). The rhetoric of crisis: George W. Bush and the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Il.
- Madrid, R. & Kraybill, J. E. (2014). Talking Foreign Policy: An analysis of differences in rhetorical tome and style between the President and Secretary of State from 1993 to 2013. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Il.
- Mendenhall, D. (2017). Civility matters: Quantitative variations in tone between two web discussions of Black Lives Matter. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, Illinois.>/li>
- Mitchell, S. (2103). The effects of social profit on the corporate social responsibility of Xcel energy. Paper presented at the Conference on Sustainable Enterprises of the Future, Robert Morris University, Moon Township, Pennsylvania.
- Nakao, Y., Nishitani, K., & Kokubu, K. (2013). Determinants of narrative content of sustainability reporting by Japanese companies. Paper presented at the 7th Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference, Kobe, Japan.
- Neuendorf, K.A. & P.D. Skalski. (2010). Extending the Utility of Content Analysis via the Scientific Method. Paper presented to the Social Science and Social Computing Workshop, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI.
- Noel, T.W. & Erskine, L. (2011). The Silent Story: Using Computer-Aided Text Analysis to Predict Entrepreneurial Performance. Paper presented at Midwest Academy of Management Meeting, Omaha, Nebraska.
- Onyebadi, U. (2010). Exiting with Dignified Rhapsody: A Lexical Study of U.S. Presidential Concession Speeches. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Denver, Colorado.
- Painter, D.L. (2009). Verbal style and vice-presidential debates: How common is partisan rhetoric? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Toronto, Canada.
- Painter, D. & Fernandes, J. (2017). The verbal tone of the 2016 presidential primaries: Candidate twitter, debate, and stump speech rhetoric. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, Illinois.
- Peterson, R.L., Berenson, M.L.& Aijaz, R. (2011). An exploratory study: is there anything good about ratemyprofessor? Paper presented at the Northeast Region Decision Sciences Institute, Montreal, Canada.
- Phillips, S. (2015). Using DICTION software for corpus research.Paper presented at the Big Data Methods, Digital Tools, and Writing Studies Conference, Tampa, FL.
- Richard, G., van Staden, C. & Fisher, R. (2015). Readability and thematic manipulation in corporate communications: A multi-disclosure investigation. A paper presented at the Business and Law Conference, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ.
- Roberts, M. & Martinez, B. (2003). 2002 election night media coverage: Comparative framing analyses of the lack of voter news service exit poll results. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA.
- Royal, C. (2003). Framing the Internet: Before and After the Tech Bust. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Kansas City, KS.
- Schroedel, J., Bligh, M., Merolla, J.L., Gonzales, R. (2011). Charismatic Rhetoric in the 2008 Presidential Campaign: Commonalities and Differences across the Candidates. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association.
- Sebold, K. & A.J. Dowdle. (2009). From Hope to Hot Springs: How two small Arkansas towns influenced a president. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, Illinois.
- Sebold, K., A.J. Dowdle, W. Huber, & L. Piatt. (2008). Peer-Family Perceptions and Presidential Personality: Bill Clinton From Hope to Hot Springs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. New Orleans, LA.
- Semmler, S., McKay-Semmler, K., & Prodanovich, R. (2015). Cultivation of host community attitudes by local television newscast immigration coverage. Paper presented at the International Academy for Intercultural Research, University of Bergen, Norway.
- Siklos, P. L. (2010). Failure to Communicate? Central Bank Guidance in Good Times and Bad. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Allied Social Science Associations, Atlanta, GA.
- Skalski, P. (2008). CATA Options for the Coding of Open-Ended Survey Data. Paper presented at the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Smith, D., Cheng, X., & Tanyi, P. (2015). The director reputation hypothesis and the credibility and usefulness of leadership structure justifications in proxy statements: A content analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the European Accounting Association, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Somers, M. (2012). Ethical behavior and corporate codes of conduct in the financial services industry. Paper presented at the Second Annual Leir Retreat Conference, Ridgefield, NJ.
- Stewart, C.O. (2020). Populist linguistic tone in recent U.S. presidential campaign discourse: A DICTION analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association, Dallas, Texas.
- Stamp, G. & J. Rutter. (2007). Lexical changes during the transition to parenthood: An exploratory analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association. Chicago, Illinois.
- Thompsen, P.A. (1999). Computer-aided analysis of electronic mail discussion. Presented to the Annual Convention of the Eastern Communication Association, Charleston, WV.
- Utych, S. M. (2013). Death rhetoric in political communication. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Il.
- Van Klyton, A., Soomaree, A., & Arrieta-Paredes, M. P. (2018). The multistakeholder model of internet governance, ICANN, and business stakeholders – practices of hegemonic power. GigaNet: Global Internet Governance Acedemic Network, Annual Symposium 2017.
- Vaughn, J. (2014). Explaining executive tone: The rhetorical dynamics of gubernatorial state of the state addresses. A paper presented at the annual convention of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D. C.
- Vincent, R. C. (2006). A Comparative Study of WSIS News Coverage in North American and European Broadcast/satellite, Newspaper and Wire Service Sources. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for Mass Communication Research. Cairo, Egypt.
- Wasike, B. (2016). Folksy talk or simplistic chatter? An analysis of rhetorical complexity and charisma in U.S. presidential campaign speeches. A paper presented at the annual convention of the Association for Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
- Wasike, B. (2016). T.V. talking heads and the Nielsen sweeps: An analysis of rhetorical complexity, charisma and ideology in opinionated cable news. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.
- Weber, J. R., C. Word, & G. R. Bilyard. (2003). Use of Stases when Negotiating and Defining Issues in Public Discussions. Proceedings of the Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Research Program Workshop, Warrenton, Virginia.
- Wicks, R. (2004). Message Framing and Cognitive Response to Islam and Terrorism: A Comparison between Christians, Jews and Muslims. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Toronto, Canada.
- Williams, E. (2017). A computerized text analysis of optimism expressed by candidates during the 2016 general election cycle. Undergraduate Research and Communication Engagement Symposium, University of North Carolina, Asheville.
- Wilson, D. & J. Killingley. (2006). Voices of Desistance: An Ethnographic Evaluation of the C-FAR Training Programme. Occasional paper, Centre for Criminal Justice Policy and Research, University of Central England–Birmingham.
- Yan Cao, Y., Wasley, C.E., & Wu, J.S. (2009). Soft-Talk Management Cash Flow Forecasts: Verifiability, Credibility and Stock Price Effects. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Contemporary Accounting Research Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Dissertations and Theses
- Abdelrehim, N. (2017). Oil nationalisation and managerial disclosure: The case of Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 1933-1951. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of York, U.K.
- Adetola, A. (2019). Exploring central bank communication as a policy tool: An analysis of the Bank of England. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of London.
- Alanko, M. (2024). Persuasive language in earnings calls: An overview and a comparison of two industries, M.A. Thesis, Schol of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University.
- Almudhaf, R. (2010). Three Essays on Real Estate Equities and Real Estate Investment Trusts. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Arlington.
- Anglada-Tort, M. (2019). The behavioural economics of music: A framework for investigating music decision making. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Technical University of Berlin.
- Artour, A. (2019). Using a mixed methods approach to study the evolution of party platforms:1960-2016. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Claremont Graduate University.
- Assaf, E. (2014). Uncovering the sub-text: Presidents’ emotional expressions and major uses of force. Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Central Florida.
- Atie, J. & Elmberg, A. (2019). The market reaction to goodwill impairment announcements: Do investors value information content, tone and opportunistic managerial behavior? Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Gothenburg.
- Aust, P. J. (2000) Communicated values as indicators of organizational identity: An examination of the United Church of God, an international association’s first five years. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Oklahoma, Norman.
- Baker, L. M. (2011). The agenda setting effects of new media on the policy agenda: A quantitative analysis of the blogosphere agenda, online elite media agenda, specialized public opinion agenda, interest group agenda, and the policy agenda. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Florida.
- Bashor, H. (2004b). Moon Treaty Paradox. Unpublished dissertation, American University of Paris, Paris, France.
- Beck, C. L. (2004). Presidential Inaugurals: A Quantitative Analysis of First and Second American Presidential Inaugural Addresses as Subsets Within the Rhetorical Genre. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Regent University.
- Benjaminson, A. & Vesterinen, J. (2017). The predictive value of optimism in letters to shareholders. Unpublished M.S. thesis, School of Business, Economics, and Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Broberg, J. C. (2010). The Effect of CEO Charismatic Rhetoric on Firm Performance: An Examination of CEO Charismatic Rhetorical Patterns over Time. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Texas Tech University.
- Brooks, E. G. (2009). Is there predictive value in the words managers use? A key word analysis of the annual report’s management discussion and analysis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Arlington.
- Buratti, B.A. (2014). Analysis of the social media of the Obama and Romney campaigns in the 2012 election. Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Georgia.
- Carduff, K. C. (2010). Corporate Reporting: From Stewardship to Contract: The Annual Reports of the United States Steel Corporation (1902-2006). Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Case Western Reserve University.
- Cassar, M. (2021). Investigating the persuasive impact of online textual content: A narrative theory approach, Unpublished doctoral Dissertation, Lulea University of Technology.
Carroll, C. E. (2004). How the Mass Media Influence Perceptions of Corporate Reputation: Exploring Agenda-Setting Effects Within Business News Coverage. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. - Chang, A. (2014). Linguistic deception cues in selected narrative disclosures contained in prospectuses of failed and non-failed New Zealand finance companies, Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
- Christofferson, E. & Grönberg, K. (2018). Informativeness of Key Audit Matter (KAM) disclosures: An exploratory study of ISA 701 in Sweden. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Gothenburg.
- Clark, J. W. (2015). Financial Narratives of U.S. Biotechnology Companies Before, During, and After the Great Recession. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, St. John Fisher College.
- Cline. A.R. (2002). Understand and Act: Classical Rrhetoric, Speech Acts, and the Teaching of Critical Democratic Participation. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri—Kansas City.
- Colbath, W. (2011). Communicating the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict at Home: The Arab-American Institute and Its Use of the Internet and External Media Sources Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Maine.
- Connolly, M. L. (2003). The Power of Reputation in Mediated Public Scandal: An Analysis of Coverage of the Kobe Bryant Sexual Assault Case. Unpublished masters thesis, Georgetown University.
- Couts, K. (2012). A transformational leadership analysis of rhetorical leadership: The relationship between presidential rhetoric and follower evaluation. Unpublished M.A. thesis, California State University, Sacramento.
- Davis, K. (2007). The Presidential Crisis Rhetoric of September 11th, 2001 and Hurricane Katrina: Examples of Charismatic Leadership or Not? Unpublished masters thesis, Clemson University.
- DeGannes, K.A.C. (2013). Environment, development, and citizenship: Narrative processes as environmental revolution and political change in post-colonial Trinidad & Tobago. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Du, Y.R. (2008). Mass Media’s Agenda-Setting Function in the Age of Globalization: A Multi-national Agenda-Setting Test. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- Edwards, G. (2013). The influence of CEO narratives in organizational path dependence. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
- Eichstaedt, J. C. (2017). Predicting and characterizing the health of individuals and communities through language analysis of social media. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Pennsylvania.
- Elkhatib, A.M. (2016). A comprehensive analysis of the performance of Islamic banks in comparison with conventional banks in the GCC region: Using the CAMEL model. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Birmingham City University.
- Elrod, G. B. (2011). Is There Predictive Value in the Words Managers Use? A Key Word Analysis of the Annual Report’s Management Discussion and Analysis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Arlington.
- Fisher, G. C. (2012). Identity and resource mobilization in new ventures: A model of venture identification. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Washington.
- Frank, L.A. (2011). Palestinian Communal Support and Suicide Bombings: Assessing Palestinian Communal Frustration. Unpublished MA. Thesis, University of Arkansas.
- Funk, M. J. (2013). Watchdog or Sentry? Analyzing content deviance in American community journalism, news websites and social media. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin
- Gangloff, K.A. (2014). Misconduct and the media: Organizational sense-giving, media coverage, and investor reaction in the aftermath of wrongdoing. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Auburn University.
- Garner, S. A. (2016). A study of firm location to examine disclosures and governance using a dual approach: Quantitative analysis based upon the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and qualitative analysis of the Annual Report’s management discussion and analysis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of North Texas.
- Gkliati, I. (2016). Do you believe in angels? A quantitative research on the prioritization of investment criteria of business angels on AngelList. Unpublished Masters thesis, Erasmus University.
- Goel, S. (2011). Qualitative Information in Annual Reports & the Detection of Corporate Fraud: A Natural Language Processing Perspective. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Albany.
- Golubovskaja, L. (2014). Range-based risk analysis in Euro-area countries. Unpublished PhD dissertation, National University of Ireland, Maymooth.
- Günther, B. (2015) Corporate social responsibility communication and credibility building. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Vienna, Austria.
- Habraken, I. (2007). The Effect of Investor Sentiment on M&A. Unpublished Masters Thesis, University of Maastricht.
- A. Hallgren & Johansson, J. (2016). Determinants of Disclosure Quality: A study of environmental liability disclosures. Unpublished M.A. thesis, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg.
- Henderson, J.D. (2021). Entrepreneurial posture in communications: Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) analysis in financial communications with computer-assisted text analysis combined with EO custom dictionaries, natural language processing, and machine learning. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia.
- Höbelt, J. (2019). Bank stress tests: Implications on accounting discretion, transparency, and market discipline. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Sussex.
- Hosmanek, A. J. (2015). Punishment in practice. Unpublished Ph.D dissertation, University of Iowa.
- Huang, N.C.L. (2011). Creating Identity and Building Reputation: Public Relations Practices of Small Business in an Emerging Field. Unpublished Pd.D. dissertation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
- Iyiola, B.S. (2020). An evaluation of psycholinguistic analysis for financial communications in the context of institutional theory. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Portsmouth.
- JeongMin, K. (2014). Images of China in U.S. foreign policy making. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Naval Postgraduate School.
- Johansson, S. (2017). May I Interest You in a Freshly Brewed Presidential Candidate? An Analysis of Presidential Campaign Television Advertisements in the United States, 1952-2016, Unpublished M.A. thesis, Johnkoping University, Sweden.
- Jones, R. J. (2016). Social innovation in venture capital firms: Strategy, structure, and performance. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of North Texas.
- Karalak, S. (2006). Co-operative discourse: A Multi-level analysis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Leicester.
- Kim, K.P. (2009). An analysis of dissertations on church growth published during the past five years, 2004-2008. Unpublished dissertation, Doctor of Ministry. Liberty University.
- Kim, J-M. (2014). Images of China in U.S. foreign policy making. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California.
- Kimminau, J. A. (2001). Civil-Military Relations and Strategy: Theory and Evidence. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ohio State University.
- Kraus, M.J. (2005). The Utility and Application of the Concept of Empowerment in Social Wwork Journals: A Computer-assisted Content Analysis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Georgia.
- Kwasiborski, V. (2007). From Wedge Strategy to Kitzmiller: Rhetorical Analysis of the Intelligent Design Argument Series. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
- Lemant, A. (2021). Energy transition: How legitimacy changes in the discourse of utilities: Textometric analysis of 15 years of CSR reports. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Paris-Dauphine.
- Lelllis, J. C. (2007). Voiced Values: Communicating a Local Organizational Identity for Disability. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
- Levengood, J. (2016). The rhetoric of power: A quantitative, comparative study of the rhetoric of Adolf Hitler and Mahatma Gandhi. Unpublished B.A. thesis, University of Florida: Department of Linguistics.
- Li, Z. (2020). Corporate sustainability in Australia: Performance, Disclosure, and Governance, Unpublished PhD. Dissertation, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
- Liu, Z. (2015). Evaluating the correlation between preaching and the health of a church using rhetorical patterns and congregational perceptions. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
- Losko, J. & Markoski, A.A. (2005). How they spoke: An analysis of the 2004 presidential campaign speeches. Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Ball State University.
- Maldonado-Bautista, I. (2022). Examining stakeholder management under conditions of uncertainty: Performance implications for entrepreneurial firms. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Baylor University.
- Mannelly, P. A. (2009). Managing Highly Engaged or Actively Disengaged Employees: A Phenomenological Study of First-Level Supervisors. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Phoenix.
- Mansurov, A. (2019). Investor and firm perspectives on impression management in earnings press releases: Insights from TSX venture exchange firms. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Carleton University.
- Markoski, A. (2004). How They Spoke: An Analysis of the 2004 Presidential Campaign Speeches. Unpublished B.A. honors thesis, Ball State University.
- Marquez, T. M. (2017). Words matter: A content analysis study of public and private higher education mission statements in the middle states region. Unpublished EdD dissertation, St. Johns Fisher College.
- McNiven, C.D. (2012). Organizational identity: An exploration of organizational values and perceived leadership behaviors. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana Wesleyan University.
- Mendenhall, D. L. (2014). Comparing levels of incivility across religious and political blog posts. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
- Mendonca, J. (2009). Analyst Statements, Stockholder Reactions and Banking Relationships: Do Analysts’ Words Matter? Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Austin.
- Narjessadat, S. (2018). Investigating the causal link between the stock market and Twitter sentiments using causality models and deep learning methods. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
- Nelson, S.A. (2011). A Longitudinal Examination of the Relationship between Corporate Financial Performance and the Corporate Persona Revealed in the Annual Report. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- Nillson, M. & Sening, J. (2017). Is the Optimism in shareholder letters associated with future financial performance? A study of sincerity in shareholder letters of U.S. banks issued prior to and in the outbreak of the financial crisis. Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Gothenburg.
- Noghan, F. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on charismatic leadership: A study of academic medical centers in The U.S.. Unpublished doctoral. Dissertation, Texas Tech University.
- Ocieczek, M. & Segelmark, L. (2014). Crowdfunding Rhetorics: A quantitative study on rhetorics used in crowdfunding pitch videos. Unpublished Master Thesis, Stockholm School of Economics
- O’Geary, J.S. (2000). The language of emotion in televised political advertising: Presidential spots, 1960—1996. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Oklahoma.
- Parish, N. (2013). Agenda-setting and agenda-building in higher education: An examination of the relationships among print media, public relations, and federal student financial aid. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Florida.
- Qingan, H. (2014). The power of words: CEOs' psychological influences: Exit, change & hold: the stories of leadership succession: three empirical studies on companies in the FTSE All-Share Index. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, City University of London.
- Qiu, X. Y. (2008). On Building Predictive Models With Company Annual Reports. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Iowa.
- Riddell, S. C. (2016). Gender in young adult literature: Harry Potter and the Hunger Games. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, University of British Columbia.
- Rodriguez, J.S. (2009). Content Analyses of State-level Language Policy Rhetoric, Pre- and Post-9/11. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Tennessee State University.
- Scheidt, L. A. (2007). Diary Weblogs as Genre. Qualifying Paper submitted to the faculty of the School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University, Bloomington.
- Schubert, B. (2009). What Drives Investment Analyst Stock Recommendations? A Content Analysis Approach. Unpublished MSc dissertation, University of Edinburgh.
- Semadeni, M. B. (2003). Leaving the Corporate Fold: Examining Spin-off Actions and Performance. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Texas A&M University.
- Sinclair, D. (1985). Rhetoric and Success: The Case of the Southern Baptists. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Austin.
- Sjolund, J. & Soderberg, M. (2015). What the CEO says: The incremental information content in the language of CEO letters. Unpublished M.A, thesis, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweeden.
- Spoliznsky, J.Y. (2008). Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Surviving a Crisis: A Comparative Analysis. Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Florida.
- Thorarinsson, K. V. (2012). Does Federal Reserve monetary policy and chairman sentiment influence gold and silver prices? Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Edinburgh.
- Trimble, T.E. (2010). Determining Source-Based and Party-Based Perspectives in the Federal Budget Process: A Content Analysis of United States Executive, Congressional, and Agential Budget Communication from 1998-2000. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech University.
- Tsileponisn N. (2017). The impact of the media on the corporate financial information environment. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Manchester.
- Vettenranta, K. (2017). What can we learn from CEO letters? Unpublished Masters thesis, University of Vaasa.
- Waldman, D.J. (2004). Crossing Discursive Frames: The Framing of Political Discourse in Television and Internet Forums. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Georgetown University.
- Webinger, M. (2009). An Accounting Study of Performance and Risk for Financial Forms During the Credit Crisis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
- Wesley, C. L. (2010). The Impact of Stewardship on Firm Performance: A Family Ownership and Internal Governance Perspective. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Texas A&M University.
- Wilson, C. B. (2018). Police in crisis, communities in conflict: A computer-aided model for analyzing reconciliatory tone. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Purdue University.
- Winter, S. (2019). From disclosure overload to decision-useful information quality of disclosure in voluntary reporting. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Leipzig.
- Witte, O.R. (2014). Inflammatory and conciliatory rhetoric in the Arab-Israeli conflict: A content analysis of how three newspapers covered two provocative event Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Southern Illinois University, Carbondal.
- Wu, S. (2016). Implications of bias and sentiment in the financial market. Unpublished PhD. Dissertation, University of Exeter.
- Xu, B. (2014). Corporate financing decisions: The role of managerial overconfidence. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Longsborough University.
- Yi, X. (2016). Three essays on CEO succession. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Rice University.
- Zaharopoulos,D. (2015). An exploration of organizational impression management in social media: A twitter analysis of large law firms. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Grand Canyon University.
- Zheng, D. (2019). Autonomy, proactiveness, and firm performance in the entrepreneurial small and medium-sized enterprises of the United States. Unpublished PhD dissertation, College of Business Administration, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
Working Papers and Proceedings
- Abdel Latiff, M. (2010). Corpus-based Study of Gender, Identity, and Language Used in Online Social Networking Communities. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
- Anglin, A., Reid, S., Short, J., Zachary, M., & Rutherford, M. (2017). An archival approach to measuring family influence: An organizational identity perspective. Working paper, Department of Management, University of North Texas.
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Other Manuscripts
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